In modern cosmetology there are more and more non-surgical procedures, the effect of which is comparable to plastic surgery, for example, with a circular lift.
The advantages of non-surgical procedures are obvious: less trauma to the skin, lower risk of complications, shorter rehabilitation times and their cost is more humane.
One such highly effective procedure is laser skin rejuvenation. However, there are many myths associated with it.
Let's find out how laser rejuvenation works, to whom it is indicated and to whom not, what risks the procedure entails.
What is the essence of laser skin rejuvenation
As you know, our skin is constantly updated. Deep in the dermis, new cells are born, which gradually move to the surface of the skin, and the old cells die and peel off.
This is exactly what happens when you are young. And the body also synthesizes a sufficient amount of collagen and hyaluronic acid, so young skin is dense, supple, hydrated.
Over time, the processes are out of sync. The growth of young cells slows down, dead cells are poorly exfoliated, the destruction of collagen and elastin begins to prevail over synthesis and hyaluronic acid is not produced sufficiently. The skin becomes thinner, sagging, wrinkles appear on it, the complexion worsens, post-acne scars, unwanted pigmentation due to sun exposure may also appear.
Put simply, laser beam treatment burns the top layer of skin cells. In reality, of course, everything is more complicated: the specialist who performs the procedure must be highly qualified to check the depth of the skin damage.
We thus obtain two effects:
- Old dead cells are destroyed and with them small wrinkles, wrinkles, post-acne, scars, scars disappear. The complexion becomes clean and fresh.
- In response to damage, the body mobilizes and begins to produce collagen and hyaluronic acid at an accelerated rate, as a result of which the skin thickens, acquires tone and, as a result, a lifting effect occurs, the oval of the face becomes stiffens. Indeed, the skin receives a boost in self-rejuvenation.
Does it hurt to perform laser procedures and what is the rehabilitation period
The type of laser and the number of procedures per course is determined by the specialist. Procedures are carried out in one course every 5-7 days.
Laser treatment is performed under local anesthesia. So for some time special care and protection from the sun are needed.

Already after the first session of the day after three o'clock, the first results will be felt: the skin will shrink, dilated pores, wrinkles and other small defects disappear.
Skin rehabilitation after laser can be delayed in women who smoke, as well as with a lack of zinc and vitamins. Check with your beautician - it may make sense to take a multivitamin before the procedure and during the rehabilitation period.
How long does the effect of laser skin resurfacing last?
The rejuvenation effect usually lasts about 5 years, which is very long for a non-surgical procedure.
Indications and contraindications for laser rejuvenation
There is a misconception that laser treatments are only for aging skin.
In fact, they perfectly cope with age-related changes. However, they can be performed from the age of 18, for example, to eliminate the first facial wrinkles, which can appear as early as 20 to 25, as well as scars, scars, including post-acne.
There are also contraindications to the procedures:
- age under 18 and over 60;
- diabetes;
- hypertonic disease;
- Shrimp;
- benign tumors;
- vitiligo;
- cardiovascular disease;
- any acute illness;
- infections;
- pregnancy;
- breastfeeding.
The belief that the laser thins the skin is a common myth. Conversely, long-term active collagen synthesis tightens the skin, although an increase in skin sensitivity may be felt during the rehabilitation period.
Laser rejuvenation is a highly effective modern non-surgical rejuvenation technique that allows age-related changes and other skin defects to be eliminated in a short time.